So many of you have been traveling this month that I thought I would look back on some of my "portraits" taken in countries other than America. I have always tried to be respectful while photographing people. If they clearly say "no", I bite my lip and don't take the photograph, despite the fact that I might miss an astonishing image. Communication is sometimes challenging as well, because of my lacking another person's language. Fortunately, I was able to communicate enough with this tavern owner in the town of Sitia on the island of Crete to capture some images showing the demeanor with which he receives guests. This was taken with a Mamiya 1 3/4 by 2 1/4 format camera, with Ilford HP 5 400 film, and the negative scanned.

While in the town of Todos Santos in Baja, California, I just needed to say "Puedo tomar su foto?" and I would receive a "yes", "no", or a nod, as in the case of a gentleman in the doorway of a pool hall. This particular image was made originally with my favorite color slide film, Fujichrome Velvia 50, scanned and converted to black and white.
As is evident in these shots, I generally try to include some background in the image sequence that give a sense of place. Depending on the comfort level of the subject, I might then do more closeup shots.
embrace the possibilities and keep safe in your travels
until next Monday,
a passion for the image