This week, I had the privilege of being involved in a product shoot in Taos, and I brought four of the pieces here to do further photographic explorations of them. Being a lover of the photographic image and the printed word, I have always enjoyed looking at beautifully produced catalogs and magazines. Regardless of how often I look through one, there is always something new to capture my attention. This is what I had in mind while photographing during the latter part of the week. It also made me think about what an art form commercial setup and photography truly is. Creativity, access to or establishment of compelling environments and products to accompany the subject, different lighting setups, patience, and time all come together to make an image that will not only grab at the heart and soul of the viewer but will sell the product. A combination that a photographer should always strive to explore, and with increased skill and sometimes luck, achieve in the final image.
Two different kinds of setups come to mind - one that you establish and the other that falls in your lap. The image below falls somewhere in the middle. The adobe wall and model were already available, but dressing, placing, and accessorizing the model, and putting him in the right light was setup.
Here is another image, which I would consider a non-studio setup.
The final image, totally different from the others, is what I would term a "fall in your lap" setup. The motorcycle was in a lineup of motorcycles at a show on the Plaza in Santa Fe. All it took was finding the right angle, and having the rider move it into deep shadow to make the metal gleam. My next trick was to make sure my reflection did not appear in the shot.
Spring Equinox is Wednesday. Enjoy the extra light!
until next Monday,
a passion for the image