The first frost settled over the high mesa last Friday evening, and the cool, crystalline days of autumn have begun in earnest. Days when the finest cello and oboe music combine in my head with the sound of leaves hitting the ground around my feet. Then there are the smells. Much has to be left to the imagination but a few photographs say it all. This is one of my favorites. Hitting the high country after a dusting of snow a had melted and subsequent light rain had left what I call rain shadows on the aspen.
Aspen rain shadows |
The aspen family demonstrates the pure delight and melancholy that is autumn. Soon the gold will be gone, the trees will be at rest, and the trunks will reflect winter.
The shot below I categorize "just for fun". This was part of a wedding portfolio I made a year ago in Taos. It was in the middle of October and the day could not have been better for the event.
Last but not least, a detail of aspen near Hopewell Lake. There is something about the soil here that, regardless of rainfall, drought, or disease, produces the most wonderful reds, oranges, and yellows in leaves.
Aspen detail, Hopewell Lake, New Mexico |
Breathe deeply
until next Monday,
a passion for the image
Darly, "Dip into autumn" from your wedding series tells a story while leaving me wanting to see more of your work...brilliantly conceived!