Sunday, July 15, 2012

Comparative archaeology

There are a number of amazing ideas and creations that seem to have been generated spontaneously throughout history.  Flatbread comes to mind.  From pita to tortillas, it is simple, wonderful, and highly transportable.  Fermented liquids such as beer and wine are quite old, and the formulas for these were probably"brewing" at the same time in different places.  Architectural elements including arches and towers seem to fall into this category.  Most things are born of necessity.  Some spread with religion.  The question of whether creations are spontaneously generated, or whether migration and human contact promoted their development may never be answered.  But it does not diminish the fascinating similarities found around the globe.

Doors and hardware.  The first photograph of a door in Costilla Plaza, New Mexico...

...and a door from the island of Crete.

A shrine outside the Catholic church in San Francisco, New Mexico, roughly the size of a playhouse...

...and a roadside shrine or iconostasis on Crete, about the size of a large mailbox, similar to a descanso marking the death of someone along a highway in New Mexico. 

embrace the similarities

until next Monday,


 a passion for the image

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